Third HELIX Summit: A Day of Education, Excitement, and Well-Loved Corny Jokes

Do you ever get the feeling of pure excitement and relief all at once? Well that is how I felt on December 7 at my first ever Home Energy Labeling Information eXchange (HELIX) Summit. I was relieved that the day had finally arrived, and excited to see how it would play out.

Making Environmental Stewardship a Habit: Teaching by Example

This post was submitted by The Holderness School, a 2015 Business Leader Champion for energy efficiency. It was authored by Hillary Beach, assistant director for communications.

Hab-it (noun)- a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

Building Rating Helps Markets Understand and Value Energy Efficiency

Everyone knows that one way to judge the performance of a car is by its fuel efficiency, and car manufacturers love to crow about cars with high 'miles per gallon' ratings. But, what if there was a way to assess “MPG” for buildings that gave potential owners or renters a sense of how much it would cost to operate their building over time?
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